Use "prow|prows" in a sentence

1. Us be on the prow of the Titanic.

2. As I gain the cove with pushing prow.

3. Jack yelled with open arms on the prow.

4. I gain the cove with pushing prow.

5. He stands on the prow looking at the sea.

6. The car's long prow dips into the first tunnel.

7. And there were wishes here, but never prow and stern.

8. But never more than fit between prow and stern.

9. The liquid was pumped onto enemy ships and troops through large siphons mounted on the Byzantine ships’ prows

10. The prow of the motor - boat cut through the water like a knife.

11. It probably had a high carved prow, near which hung a stone anchor.

12. The part of a ship at which the prow joins the keel.

13. The prow of the motor cut through the water like a knife.

14. Nora is standing on the headland like the figure-head on the prow of a ship.

15. Beginning with the pointed arc of the prow, they tie bundles of totoras together.

16. And your prow was of cypress inlaid with ivory from the islands of Kitʹtim.

17. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern.

18. Or that your prow , surging forward, met with no adverse currents or interfering rocks?

19. Her prow, a cast-iron projection weighing 500 pounds, was intended for use as a ram.

20. 23 Then the prow guns of the Adorno spoke in unison with those of her poop.

21. He gripped the prow where it separated in a narrow V and took a deep breath.

22. The Bowsprit of a sailing vessel is a spar extending forward from the vessel's prow

23. The spears were collected and stacked upright in the prow, inside a metal ring attached to the swan's head.

24. A projection on the prow of a warship, used to batter or cut into enemy vessels.

25. Although a merchant ship, our vessel, the Jamaique, had guns mounted at the prow and at the stern.

26. Whatever had been on its prow was now gone, sheared off when the sleek vessel had been driven among the trees.

27. The S-like double curve of the prow is said to represent the shape of the Grand Canal of Venice.

28. Leech's installation entitled Hypergraphia is on display at the Flatiron Prow Art Space in New York until December 20

29. Bowsprit (plural Bowsprits) A spar projecting over the prow of a sailing vessel to provide the means of adding sail surface

30. Almost 60 feet long, with a raked prow and stern, it was built of Afri-can and Indian wood and fitted with a square sail.

31. Her own iron prow and cutwater were carried away, and she was otherwise badly damaged about the stern by the collision.

32. Her prow Curvetted AS it were the neck of a stallion, and a great wave of dark blue water seethed in her wake

33. Though in this toun is noon Apothecarie, I shal myself to herbes techen yow, That shul been for youre hele and for youre prow

34. After the campaign, the king ordered the bodies of the seven princes to be hung upside down on the prow of his ship.

35. He spake, 'twas done; and Palinurus first / turns the prow leftward: to the left we ply / with oars and sail, and shun the rocks accurst.

36. Blackbeard’s severed head was erected on the prow of the Lieutenant Robert Maynard’s ship as a warning to other pirates in the area as a trophy of Maynard’s victory

37. The second being inspected is the prow navy who dress them up with white uniform, standing quite regularly, just like a stretch of landscape, also a white stone wall, displaying their dauntlessness.

38. That history is celebrated in song, legend and souvenirs based on the carrancas, a kind of gargoyle placed on the prow of the gaiola boats and intended to scare away river demons from the boat.

39. ‘In addition to these fires, the streets were lined with lanterns, and people carried Cressets (pivoted lanterns atop poles) as they wandered from one bonfire to another.’ ‘Fire baskets or Cressets mounted at the prows of the fishing barges seem to attract prey for the cormorants.’

40. ‘In addition to these fires, the streets were lined with lanterns, and people carried Cressets (pivoted lanterns atop poles) as they wandered from one bonfire to another.’ ‘Fire baskets or Cressets mounted at the prows of the fishing barges seem to attract prey for the cormorants.’

41. But the makeshift boat, with a prow jutting out of the front and a taxi sign on the roof, was intercepted by the U. S. Coast Guard about 32 km off Key West on the southern tip of Florida.

42. While the long, straight-grained white-oak planks are used for hull planking, the live oak's large branch sections and odd shapes are required for knee supports, Breasthooks in the prow, and curving "compass timbers." How it's used: Framing, "compass timbers" or curved beams, Breasthooks in the cutwater area, pin rails, and fife rails.

43. Maybe I can save you some money on insurance: e • Homeowners • Auto/Boat/RV • Business • Group Health Fay Mason John Brakefiald 408 w, Idaho 752-7210 /instate Alicula Insurant* Compare Ll* «Mi Huutr Prow AUauu Lie I Mer «at* Compar,GREG RAIN and COMPANY3577 HIGHWAY 93 NORTH • KALISPELL, MONTANA 59901 • 752 288* saturday, May JU 10